Democracy Day: Rep. Bamidele Salam Celebrates 25 Years of Unbreakable Civil Rule, Calls for Continued Progress

As Nigeria marks 25 years of unbreakable civil rule, Representative Bamidele Salam, representing Ede North, Ede South, Egbedore, and Ejigbo Federal Constituency of Osun State at the National Assembly, has felicitated with Nigerians, emphasizing the need for collective effort towards building a better nation.

In a statement issued on the occasion of Democracy Day, Rep. Salam congratulated Nigerians on the significant milestone, acknowledging the progress made and challenges overcome since the country’s transition to democracy in 1999.

According to him, “Democracy is a collective effort, Let us celebrate our progress, learn from our setbacks, and work together to build a Nigeria that is just, equitable, and prosperous for all.

As we celebrate 25 years of unbroken civil rule in Nigeria, we honour the memory of Chief Moshood Kashimawo Okawale Abiola, a champion of democracy and a symbol of hope for a better Nigeria.

His courage and sacrifice, alongside those of other heroes of our democracy like General Abdulsalami Abubakar, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, and Dr. Beko Ransome-Kuti, among others, have inspired generations of Nigerians to continue striving for a more just, equitable, and prosperous society.

Their legacies remind us that democracy is not a destination, but a journey that requires constant vigilance, dedication, and collective effort. May their sacrifices not be in vain, and may we continue to build a Nigeria that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

The lawmaker also emphasized the need for citizen engagement and participation in the democratic process.

“Democracy is not a spectator sport, we must all play an active role in shaping our nation’s future,” he noted.

As Nigeria celebrates 25 years of democracy, Rep. Salam called on citizens to recommit to the values of democracy, inclusivity, and progress.

He expressed optimism that, together, Nigerians can overcome the country’s challenges and build a brighter future for generations to come.

“Let us work together to create a Nigeria where every citizen has access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

A Nigeria where justice and equality reign, and where our diversity is celebrated.” he urged.

Rep. Salam, who is also the Chairman of the House of Representatives Public Accounts Committee, explained the importance of accountability and transparency in governance.

He reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring that public funds are utilized efficiently and effectively, aligning with the principles of democracy.

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